Documents and Templates

Relevant forms and procedures are located on this page.

Company Policy Document

Latest version of the Company Policy document.

Any amendments will be noted here.

Current 2024 CPD, revamped and new policies added.

Documents and Templates

DofE Assessor Training.

In order to assess on one of our qualifying expeditions you need to be an Accredited DofE Assessor.

The DofE have just released a new pathway to becoming an assessor. The process is now free, and you are not tied into completing a course at a specific time, so looks to be better.

You need to do a foundation pathway first and then follow on with an assessor and supervisor pathway. Please follow this link to access these pathways.

We are happy to endorse you once you have completed this, email

  • Guidance and tips for writing your assessor report.

    Once completed this needs to be sent to

    Click here

  • Basic requirements for our invoices.

    Once completed these need to be sent to

    If you were working on a qualifying expedition and did an assessment you need to send in the report with your invoice.

    Click here