Expedition Requirements

Please look at these before coming on your expedition with us.

The aim of this page is to help prepare you before attending a Sam Sykes Ltd expedition. You are being assessed on your expedition, the information in this section will help you succeed.



The DofE have set requirements that your expedition needs to achieve in order for you to pass.

These are the standards that your assessor will measure you against.

Some of these are achieved before you attend your qualifier, for example having undertaken a suitable practice expedition, or being the correct age for the expedition.

Click on the picture to view the full Expedition Requirements.

Once you have successfully completed your expedition your assessor will write a report that gets sent to your school.


Team Goal


Each qualifying expedition needs to have a team aim. This is a project you do on the expedition that can focus it and make it more fun.

At Bronze level you discuss this goal at the end of the expedition with your assessor.

At Silver and Gold you need to do a presentation about your team goal. We include this in your assessor debrief at the end of the expedition. This debrief is often in a carpark or on the hillside just before the end so don’t plan to do a big PowerPoint presentation!

It is worth having a think with your group about your team goal before you arrive on your practice. You will need to agree your aim with your DofE leader.

If you click on the list on the left it will take you to the DofE website where there are lots of team goal ideas. We have had some fantastic goals over the years from songs being composed on route to projects that link in with biology, geography and even psychology studies. Can you think of a project to support your GCSE’s or A levels?

If you need to take photos for your team goal remember to bring a portable charger and remember that you need to adhere to the mobile phone policy for your expedition. Generally, this is no phones allowed except for emergencies, so posting on Insta and Snapchat has to wait for a while!