New Forest

The New Forest National Park is known for its open heathland, forests and native ponies. One of the largest remaining areas of unfenced pastureland in Southern England. A former Royal hunting preserve.

Campsite Locations

We use a couple of campsites in the area. These lend themselves well to routes on the open heath.

Camping in vans for Sam Sykes staff is not always possible due to requirements of expedition. You will be informed if this is the case.


Local Hospital Information

Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Rd, Southampton SO16 6YD 24hr A&E

02380 777222

Easy Access from the South.

Road to Lyndhurst

London 2 hours 10

Reading 1 hour 20

By Train to Beaulieu Station

London 1 hour 40

Reading 1 hour 20

Transport Links