Selby Wood Scout Campsite


Selby Wood, Netherwitton, Morpeth NE65 8PR

Selby Wood

Google Maps link

Grid Reference

NZ 137 898

What3words link.

Access to venue

Not accessible by coach. Accessible by minibus. Track to site is rough, proceed slowly.

Location Information

Site information

Mobile Coverage Reasonable on most networks.

Showers None.

Toilets All toilets in separate cubicles.

Potwash Available.

Rubbish All rubbish must be removed from site.

Parking Limited near campsite, space for approx 6 vehicles if parked carefully.

Shelter Indoor space available if weather extreme, contact warden to arrange.

Defib Netherwitton Village Hall, Netherwitton Village, Netherwitton, NE61 4NU Correct as of Oct 2024.

Check in Not required.

Specific Issues

Water is usually switched off if no others on site. Instructions on how to switch the water on are located on the hut wall and will be sent to the expedition manager. Electricity also requires switching on, the switch is on the outside of the hut on the rear wall.

Midges can be an issue in the summer.

If it is a parent drop off please let the farm at the end of the road know this is happening if possible. Participants need to be dropped in the lay-by on the road and walk up.

A lot of the paths in the area are not walked on frequently and can be hard to find.

Lots of fields have cattle in, brief participants.

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